Monday, June 6, 2011


-Had his first primary talk last month. He said the entire thing into the microphone only no one could hear him he talked so low.
-He now "explodes" and falls to the ground when he gets excited about something.
-He started spelling his name backwards the other day and now I know I passed my hidden talent down to him.
-He is obsessed with his Mr.Banana. A stuffed Mardi Gras banana that his cousins sent him. I'll have to post a picture.
-He came downstairs the other night in his batman jammies and slippers and asked, "Mom, do I look like Batman?"

-She loves to talk about people being girls or boys. And don't tell her that she's a boy!
-I had my hair up in a bun the other day and she promptly told me "that's what Cinderella does."
-She used to sleep on this little soft pink pillow but she has gotten so big I put in an actual pillow and the other night when I was laying her down she said she NEEDED her soft pillow to sleep.

1 comment:

Travis Movie Reviews said...

Awe, too cute the little things....