Monday, July 11, 2011

Anniversary and Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to Brady, my Dad, and Royce.

Eating Daddy's favorite ice cream, mint chocolate chip.

We celebrated our 6 year anniversary on June 22. We decided to do something different so I planned the whole day and surprised Brady. We dropped our kids off at our in-laws (who else?) after breakfast, then we went on a hike together. After eating lunch we came back to our house and showered and just rested. Has anyone else every done that? I mean be at your own house with no kids? It is seriously the most relaxing thing I could ever do. So anyway, after we were ready we went shopping (Nordstrom rack baby, love that place) and ate dinner at Pei Wei, also awesome. We were on the latest Harry Potter movie and it was all checked out at the library so we went to Blockbuster. Yes, that place is still open. We had to get a new card, it's weird having a movie card now. We picked up our kids, put them to bed and then watching our movie. Seriously, this was our best ever Anniversary. Brady is in charge next year, top that BABE. LOL

1 comment:

Dr. Travis White said...

Well if u watched Coach Carter on ur honeymoon--watching HP six years later, it is an even trade!