Monday, July 11, 2011


We had a traumatic situation here last Friday. So this is what happened...My kids were doing some arts-n-crafts on the floor. I called my friend over to learn how to make bows with me, maybe 2 minutes after she was there Braxton comes to me and says, "I cut Madison's hair." Plain and simple just like that, no attitude or naughty face. I didn't believe him because why would my 5 year old who has been using scissors for years now do something so bad like that. Then Madison came over and said, "Bubba cut my hair!" all happy and what not. So then I jumped up, saw the truth and put Brax in time out. He will be glad in the years to come that my friend was there so soften the blow. I found Madison's hair and started crying. My friend, Lisa, poor thing probably felt soo akward. After she left the tears just started flowing. Yes, think what you want but I am a hairdresser and Madison is my first girl whose hair just started growing mind you. I mean we just got her first pig tails in the week before this happened! We love doing her hair together too! I could go on and on. I don't want to hear it will grow back, ya think?! I just can't believe this happened!!!! After I got ahold of myself (a while later:) I had give her a new cut. At least it came out even but it has some very very short layers. I then decided that she needed earrings. So so glad I did it. It was my may of making lemonade. I teared up for the next 3 days every time I looked at her, no joke. Call me dramatic, those are my feelings. Here are some pics. How could you look at this and not cry?


We came prepared, soft blanket, baby doll, sucker, and
sipppy cup with Diet Coke (for Madison, not me.)
Brax was holding out a toy for her to look at, sweet boy was just as excited as I was.

Right after. She only cried for maybe 2 minutes.
I think her feelings were hurt more than anything.

Looking in the mirror.

Thanks to the ladies who were taking pictures for me.

They told her how pretty she looked and that they loved them. Big help for me too.


Adrienne said...

oh no! i wonder what he was thinking as he did it :) it turned out cute though! but her pig-tails were sooo sweet :(
all i know is, drew better not EVER cut his little sister's hair! i don't know how i would react!

Dr. Travis White said...

I can't believe that happened Rachel! I am so sorry! I know u like having a daughter, I recall we talked about it a few years ago when I visited yall! I see u paint her toes and fingers, so I cud imagine how i felt when her hair was cut-hope all is better now?